Unsubscribing, monitoring paid subscriptions, and figuring out who has your information online is shockingly complex. Yorba simplifies it so you can have a single source of truth that lets you see, manage, and remove mailing lists, subscriptions you no longer want, and more.

Digital decluttering

that actually works

We make life online a little less annoying

You can track and manage all your accounts quickly.

From the beginning of time. Just add your Gmail emails and see how many accounts you have. Then click to delete or manage your accounts right from Yorba.

You can mass unsubscribe. Safely.

Unsubscribe from emails that don’t bring you joy, and never worry about your data being sold. Learn more about our data security practices here.

You get full control over your data.

If you want to leave Yorba, you take all your data with you. No questions asked.

A digital minimalism tool you can trust

Yorba gives you a trusted way to complete digital detoxes so you can simplify your digital life and avoid clutter (we’re lookin’ at you, annoying marketing campaigns that we keep getting!)

Here’s how Yorba’s different: 

#1 - Yorba vs. Unroll.Me

Yorba’s never been sued by the FTC for deceptive practices. Learn more here.

#2 - Yorba vs. DIY

With the average person having more than 220+ accounts, it can be painstaking to track and manage all your accounts by yourself. Something will definitely slip through the cracks.

#3 - Yorba vs. inbox zero

The goal isn’t to hit inbox zero; the goal is to make sure you have more control over the data you share and the ability to block the noise heading your way.

From our blog

Finding Focus in the Digital Age

Ryder Carroll on Mindfulness and Productivity

What our members are saying

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From our blog

Interact online like a digital minimalist

We’ll never sell your data. Period.

That’s very important, so it’s in large type.

For other important info, check out the FAQs.

Ready to start your digital declutter?