Prep for your professional career by cleaning up your online footprint

When you join Yorba, you get an easy way to manage your online accounts so you can enter the professional world with a clean slate.

We make life online a little less annoying

Control who has your data online.

Quickly scan and delete accounts you don’t want, and get smart suggestions to reduce the private data you have floating around.

Mass unsubscribe. Safely.

Unsubscribe from mailing lists that stress you out, and never worry about your data being sold. Learn more about our data security practices here.

Start for free.

We believe you should try something before you buy it, so we offer Yorba for free so you can make sure it’ll benefit you.

From our blog

How to prepare for job search before graduating

Safer and easier than the competition

Students Yorba over because it’s safer and easier to use. 

Yorba gives you a fast way to view, monitor, and manage your accounts so you can get rid of unwanted accounts, reduce subscription fees, and lighten your digital footprint easily. 

Here’s how Yorba helps:

#1 - Yorba vs. Unroll.Me

Yorba’s never been sued by the FTC for deceptive practices. Learn more here.

#2 - Yorba vs. DIY

With the average person having more than 220+ accounts, it can be painstaking to track and manage all of them alone. Something will definitely slip through the cracks.

#3 - Yorba vs. inbox zero

The goal isn’t to hit inbox zero; the goal is to make sure you have more control over the data you share and the ability to block the noise heading your way.

What our members are saying

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We’re serious about data privacy.

Ready to join other students tidying up their online accounts with Yorba?